

I Gotta Find You
headcounter here :D

Every time I think I'm closer to the heart Of what it means to know just who I am I think I've finally found a better place to start But no one ever seems to understand

Darren 8may I'm still a boy blah blah blah


I need to try to get to where you are Could it be you're not that far?


You're the voice I hear inside my head The reason that I'm singing I need to find you I gotta find you You're the missing piece I need The song inside of me I need to find you I gotta find you Oh yeah


Shanmin  Benjamin  Amanda  Peiqi  Shili Angela Cindy

( MOVED )  ( Unhappy event :( )  ( Today as per normal, wake up late use computer and... )  ( Today went town with my mum and sis for lunch, aft... )  ( Today i'm so happy, got a new speaker ALTEC LANSIN... )  ( Today went to Singapore zoo with my 2 sister, wake... )  ( Happy Valentine Day :DandHappy Birthday To : Yong ... )  ( Long time never touch my blog, kinda lazy to updat... )  ( HAPPY NEW YEAR ! 2009Happy new year to all my frie... )  ( So long never update my blog, haha i just too lazy...

+ August 2008
+ September 2008
+ October 2008
+ November 2008
+ December 2008
+ January 2009
+ February 2009
+ March 2009
+ April 2009
+ June 2010
+ August 2010

Designer: %XINN`
Inspiration: thebikiniboy/vehemency
Hosting: xox
Lyrics: metrolyrics © Jonas Brothers & CampRock

Long time never touch my blog, kinda lazy to update. Took back my result and i had nothing to say, now just hope that i could enter rp if not i got to go to ite. After considering and thinking what i'm going to do in future i also not too sure, i just tell my self if there a chance i will try to do my best. Today is my last day of work and quite happy and sad, because kinda miss all the fun and the good thing is that i can do whatever i want. Yeah ! If there any job out there don't be shy share with me. :) Chinese new year is coming soon hoho red packet in my pocket, haha this year cny quite fast, can eat lots of yummy food oh yes. Oh man i so bored right now, everyday slack at home, no income only have outcome sad sad. Okay peeps i super bored any i got nothing to say so i gotta to stop here. CAO !

Can't wait for the posting result
please rp let me in okay :D